Welcome to A Farm, LLC - Registered Herefords and Belted Galloways – a family operation dedicated to providing quality seedstock that will help you build value into your own herd. Whether you are looking for registered, purebred Herefords to bring a new genetic trait into your herd operation, or if you are looking for good Hereford bloodlines to cross with Angus, Simmental, Brahman, and Brangus to maximize heterosis with a commercial herd, we have options for both. We have been in the Hereford and Belted Galloway business since 2016 and keep up with the industry standards and changes. We offer Polled cattle year-round through Private Treaty sales, calving both in Spring & Fall. We offer a full line of cattle consisting of Hereford and Beltie Bulls, Bred and open heifers for show or replacements. Current and Past EPD statistics show the solid foundation we’ve built our operation on, in order to provide cattle that will perform efficiently. Our registered Belted Galloway Bull Cow Calf herd consisting of dun, black and red colors. Angus, Simmental, Brahman and Brangus can be found on our farm producing Baldies, F1 Baldies, Super Baldies and commercial angus, simmental and brangus calves.
And Yes, We have bred belties with a registered hereford bulls to produce Pandas! Red Panda and Black Panda Galloways.

Herd Sires

A Farm, LLC has Registered Hereford Bulls and Registered Belted Galloway Bulls. Some of our Bull Calves are for sale and you can check them out at our for sale page. You can see our herd sires by clicking on the link below.

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About A Farm

At A Farm, we like to keep it simple. Quality stock, A passion for the work, Keep the cows feed well and healthy. Click on the link below to learn more.

About Us

Cattle For Sale

Building quality cattle and future buyers - one cow at a time. Check out what is for sale! Click the link below.

Sales Market

A Farm of Registered Herefords & Belted Galloways in Missouri USA

A Farm LLC keeping it simple. Registered Herefords, Registered Belted Galloways with a few Brahman Angus and Simmental Angus sprinkled in. Keep an eye out for our cattle sales. Till then looking forward to your visit!